Keta3’s Weblog

Evening Concert
September 26, 2008, 4:16 am
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How exciting is your first concert?  It’s pretty great, I just had my first concert the other week, and it was one of the most fun things I have done in my life.  Which makes sense because I love music, so naturally I would like a concert.  But when you think about the first time you do anything is pretty exciting.   Think back to your first years and remember your first birthday or first x-mas (that you can remember) how great were they?  Now my birthday and x-mases are not so thrilling.  They are still very special, but they seem to wear out like your favorite shirt, or they are eaten up bite by bite until only the crumbs of a once magnificent cake are left.  Does this rule apply to every aspect of life?  It just might.  There is probably even a math equation that shows how the value of an object or experience declines with the number of times it is used.  So what are we to do?  Go try new things I guess, in this life I’m sure there are enough new things to last you the rest of your life.  I find this thought comforting, because doing the same old thing day after day is not fun at all. In a way this could be connected to economics; which is the study of people’s endless wants and how people satisfy them.  How do you satisfy your next high?  Would you go sky diving or parachuting?  There are so many choices to pick from.

Lost Brother
September 16, 2008, 10:21 pm
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Lost brother made me think of Native American folk tales.  They always make references to their brother tree or sister sky.  It’s too bad that we don’t think that way anymore.  Unless you really hate your brother or sister for some reason you would not purposely hurt them.  You would not go mow them over with a car, like the rainforest is being mowed over by chainsaws each and everyday.  If we treated the environment like our brother or sister there would be a lot more “tree huggers” in this world, but maybe that would not be so bad.  Pollution would be less, places would be greener, fewer animals would be going extinct, and we might not have paved roads.  Technology might not be all that good, because the advancement of technology goes hand in hand with destroying the environment in my opinion.  It’s a hard thing to decide.  Once I have had a cell phone or an I pod how I would feel if someone just took it from me?  Not happy at all. It’s like once you have given a person freedom you can’t take it back.  You can run a dictatorship over someone that has never known freedom.


A lot of people think that in the last century we have destroyed our environment.  That may be true but I think we are just destroying the credibility of our stewardship.  If the world really wanted to get back at us all she would have to do is kick us off the world with another ice age simple as that.

To Myself
September 8, 2008, 10:19 pm
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To Myself reminds me of thinking of someone who has died.  “Even when I forget you I go on looking for you.”  When that person leaves your life the pain recedes and the years proceed, but one day an object or a smell might spark your mind and make you think of that long gone person.  “I believe I would know you I keep remembering you sometimes long ago but then other times I am sure you were here a moment before and the air is still alive around where you were” In this excerpt from the poem I think the writer is saying that if that person were not dead and they came back today after being gone for twenty years that the writer would recognize that long last person and still know them and their appearance even thought they had aged.  The last part of the quote makes me again thinking that the writer saw something that reminded him/her about that deceased person and they experience de ja vu remembering past memories.  “and I think then I can recognize you who are always the same who pretend to be time but you are not time.”  Being dead in a way defies time, you no longer age, but your are also not necessarily time, the dead are governed by different rules.  “and who speak in the words but you are not what they say you who are not lost when I do not find you.  When you can’t find a dead person they are not lost, their soul is in a different place.

this is just to say
September 5, 2008, 10:05 pm
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This short little poem was so cute to look at I had to read it ha-ha.  It reminds me of my mother and me.  We will make a batch of cookies, or there will be watermelon in the fridge, and we eat them fast, super fast!  Soon there is one cookie left, or one serving of watermelon.  It just sits there like a stalemate.  We both want them but we both don’t want to look selfish.  Since there are only two of us, we also can’t blame it on some other person; obviously the lie would be spotted and shot down right away.  So for a few days that last cookie/serving of watermelon stands.  But like most things it has to fall.  Someone will eat it and then walk around the next day with her head lowered when the other person living in the house asked, what happened to the last cookie/serving of watermelon?  Something will be mumbled and soon another batch of cookies will be made, or my Mom will go buy another watermelon at Mary’s.


For some reason the last of anything always tastes better.  Just knowing that you are taking that last delicious morsel makes the taste buds tingle.  William Carlos Williams seems to agree, because he says in the last stanza, “Forgive me they were delicious so sweet and so cold.”  Does that mean we should never save anything?  Because if we do someone will snap it up on the first chance that we look away?  Who is in the wrong…the person who takes the last bite, takes the chance of looking selfish, or the person who waited because they did not want to look bad, or they were waiting for a more opportune moment in which to indulge themselves.