Keta3’s Weblog

this is just to say
September 5, 2008, 10:05 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

This short little poem was so cute to look at I had to read it ha-ha.  It reminds me of my mother and me.  We will make a batch of cookies, or there will be watermelon in the fridge, and we eat them fast, super fast!  Soon there is one cookie left, or one serving of watermelon.  It just sits there like a stalemate.  We both want them but we both don’t want to look selfish.  Since there are only two of us, we also can’t blame it on some other person; obviously the lie would be spotted and shot down right away.  So for a few days that last cookie/serving of watermelon stands.  But like most things it has to fall.  Someone will eat it and then walk around the next day with her head lowered when the other person living in the house asked, what happened to the last cookie/serving of watermelon?  Something will be mumbled and soon another batch of cookies will be made, or my Mom will go buy another watermelon at Mary’s.


For some reason the last of anything always tastes better.  Just knowing that you are taking that last delicious morsel makes the taste buds tingle.  William Carlos Williams seems to agree, because he says in the last stanza, “Forgive me they were delicious so sweet and so cold.”  Does that mean we should never save anything?  Because if we do someone will snap it up on the first chance that we look away?  Who is in the wrong…the person who takes the last bite, takes the chance of looking selfish, or the person who waited because they did not want to look bad, or they were waiting for a more opportune moment in which to indulge themselves.  

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