Keta3’s Weblog

Lost Brother
September 16, 2008, 10:21 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

Lost brother made me think of Native American folk tales.  They always make references to their brother tree or sister sky.  It’s too bad that we don’t think that way anymore.  Unless you really hate your brother or sister for some reason you would not purposely hurt them.  You would not go mow them over with a car, like the rainforest is being mowed over by chainsaws each and everyday.  If we treated the environment like our brother or sister there would be a lot more “tree huggers” in this world, but maybe that would not be so bad.  Pollution would be less, places would be greener, fewer animals would be going extinct, and we might not have paved roads.  Technology might not be all that good, because the advancement of technology goes hand in hand with destroying the environment in my opinion.  It’s a hard thing to decide.  Once I have had a cell phone or an I pod how I would feel if someone just took it from me?  Not happy at all. It’s like once you have given a person freedom you can’t take it back.  You can run a dictatorship over someone that has never known freedom.


A lot of people think that in the last century we have destroyed our environment.  That may be true but I think we are just destroying the credibility of our stewardship.  If the world really wanted to get back at us all she would have to do is kick us off the world with another ice age simple as that.

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