Keta3’s Weblog

Evening Concert
September 26, 2008, 4:16 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

How exciting is your first concert?  It’s pretty great, I just had my first concert the other week, and it was one of the most fun things I have done in my life.  Which makes sense because I love music, so naturally I would like a concert.  But when you think about the first time you do anything is pretty exciting.   Think back to your first years and remember your first birthday or first x-mas (that you can remember) how great were they?  Now my birthday and x-mases are not so thrilling.  They are still very special, but they seem to wear out like your favorite shirt, or they are eaten up bite by bite until only the crumbs of a once magnificent cake are left.  Does this rule apply to every aspect of life?  It just might.  There is probably even a math equation that shows how the value of an object or experience declines with the number of times it is used.  So what are we to do?  Go try new things I guess, in this life I’m sure there are enough new things to last you the rest of your life.  I find this thought comforting, because doing the same old thing day after day is not fun at all. In a way this could be connected to economics; which is the study of people’s endless wants and how people satisfy them.  How do you satisfy your next high?  Would you go sky diving or parachuting?  There are so many choices to pick from.

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