Keta3’s Weblog

The comming of Wisdom with Time
November 17, 2008, 9:59 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

William Butler Yeats wrote The Coming of Wisdom with Time.  It is a very short poem, only four lines.  But this made me think that these four lines must have been extra special to him, they must have been extra powerful. The first line … “though leaves are many the roots are one…” this made me think of a huge maple tree with many, many leaves.  That even thought it covers a huge expanse it still came from the same place.  That could be translated to many different areas in life.  For example mushrooms… there can be thousands of mushrooms in one field but all of them could quite possibly have one major root in common.  Or the grass we have in our front yard, it’s called Bermuda grass and it is almost impossible to get rid of, because it shares a common root system.  Or even people today… there are so many different kinds all spread out about the world, but could have quite possibly came from the same ancestor and just changed in their different places and times.


“Through all the lying days of my youth I swayed my leaves and flowers in the sun; now I may wither into the truth.”  These last three lines make me picture in my head a young strong sapling tree swaying in the wind without a care in the world.  Just like humans do in their teen years… just getting from one day to the next not really thinking of much else then their selves.  Then the time comes when we all have to grow up and acknowledge and wither or cringe in the truth.  That life may not always be fun and games, but that does not mean that life can no longer be enjoyable, just means is could get a little difficult, but that could be the time in your life when you can show everyone and shine.

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