Keta3’s Weblog

The Possibility
November 30, 2008, 2:55 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

            In the poem James fenton introduces something that should be good, then in the last two lines of the four line stanza changes it so it is not good anymore.  It makes sense cuz his poem is called the possibility, so I guess there are possibilities in life for every little thing to turn out not like you thought it would.  To think on the bright side though, that could mean a potentially bad thing could turn out good.  Like being too full at breakfast, but not having enough time to eat lunch so you have to skip it.  That’s not fun lol.  Or being really tired from working hard, then getting the best sleep you have had in a long time.  Or having a really annoying cat that always follows you around, but then when you have a bad day, he is there for you. 

            I also like how Fenton used animals and plants and flowers in his work. I like nature as a lot of people do, and I like to read about it also. 

            This poem is not a sonnet because it has five four stanza lines instead of three quatrains and a couplet.  I also enjoyed writing our couplet for school.  It was cool cuz we had a specific structure.  That’s kind of sad to say when writing a poem cuz you’re supposed to have a lot of creativity when writing a poem. Oh well I guess. All in all I like this poem and I like this choice of the other poems.  

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