Keta3’s Weblog

December 2, 2008, 4:09 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

This poem was not what I was expecting.  It did talk about toads, but not as much as I thought it would.  It used toads as a metaphor of something gross and hunkered down in your soul.  When I think of toads I think cute.  I think toads are the cutest things cuz they are short and fat, and to me very loveable.  They are also good for the garden.  They eat bad bugs like grasshoppers, and burrow in your soil so that means that air will be able to get in there.  This last summer my mom had the biggest grasshopper problem, I kept finding toads at the pool i worked at so I brought them home to her and we put them in her garden.  The more we had the less grasshoppers we had until at the end of the summer there were toads hopping everywhere and not a grass hopper to be seen.  This made my mom very happy, and i was thinking about buying her toads at the begginning of next years summer. 

I watched Pan’s labrinth a while back.  And one of the tasks she had to do was retreive a key from a really big toad.  I can’t remember if the toad exploded or not but she did get the key back.  That toad was very big and ugly and fit the discription in the poem to the T.  I also thought of wind in the willows when I read this book, because it had alot of animal characters.

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