Keta3’s Weblog

The Gift
December 14, 2008, 2:53 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

I think that I read this poem in 9th grade or something like that. It’s a really cool poem, about love and what you do for love. The father of the boy gets his splinter out, and when the boy is grown up and marries he gets the splinter out of his wife’s palm as well.
There is an undercurrent to this poem that gets to me. It’s like I can feel how much the boy is tied to his father and wife through the simple act of extracting a splinter. But that is the case with love I guess, you can tell through the simple actions how much someone cares for you. Like remembering your favorite chocolate bar, or bringing you a sucker after lunch.
Li-Young-Lee made a poem about love without making it cliché. He did not use gooey words to show his feelings He simply described a little thing that was did for him and he did for someone else.
This poem has four stanzas of free verse. There does not seem to be any pattern to it. The first one has five lines. The second line has eight. The third has seven. The last stanza has fifteen lines. The last stanza has the most words and lines. Why? Maybe they are saving the best for last? Also in this stanza it’s the only place where the author uses italics. Maybe it’s what the speaker of the poem is saying in his head and not his wife, what he is thinking.

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